Jim Searing



Guitars, Vocals, Keyboards, Sound



Also a Southern California native, Jim is the let us make it happen guy in the band.

Vice President of his own company, Jim continually refers to

problems in the band that he has been instrumental in solving

and says that is why he is in management.

Jim and Van have known each other since the sixth grade,

with Jim being responsible for recruiting Van into The Answer in 1965

because he could sing harmony.

Jim also owns his own sound company, Searing Sound, who managed

the early years of the Fab Four, a Beatles tribute group who

were recently voted number one group to their kind in the country.

The ultimate Beatles fan, Jim has a collection of memorabilia that

makes grown men cry and women faint.

Always the consummate stickler for detail and accuracy,

his battle cry is it is not right and I cannot stand it,

so let us get it right, I am a professional.

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Last Updated:  04/04/2018 11:56:44 AM